
Which Of The Following Printing Processes Subtracts Only The Background, Leaving The Image Raised?

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    11. Adjust the tonality of your composite with Curves
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    24. Correct imperfections with the Healing Brush
    25. Create brushes in Capture and use them in Photoshop
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    28. Adjust exposure in your images with Contrivance and Burn
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  8. Web, screen, and app pattern
    1. Photoshop for design
    2. Artboards
    3. Device Preview
    4. Copy CSS from layers
    5. Slice web pages
    6. HTML options for slices
    7. Modify piece layout
    8. Work with web graphics
    9. Create spider web photograph galleries
  9. Image and color basics
    1. How to resize images
    2. Work with raster and vector images
    3. Epitome size and resolution
    4. Acquire images from cameras and scanners
    5. Create, open, and import images
    6. View images
    7. Invalid JPEG Mark error | Opening images
    8. Viewing multiple images
    9. Customize color pickers and swatches
    10. High dynamic range images
    11. Match colors in your image
    12. Catechumen betwixt color modes
    13. Color modes
    14. Erase parts of an epitome
    15. Blending modes
    16. Choose colors
    17. Customize indexed color tables
    18. Image information
    19. Distort filters are unavailable
    20. Most color
    21. Color and monochrome adjustments using channels
    22. Choose colors in the Color and Swatches panels
    23. Sample
    24. Color mode or Paradigm mode
    25. Color cast
    26. Add together a conditional mode change to an action
    27. Add together swatches from HTML CSS and SVG
    28. Fleck depth and preferences
  10. Layers
    1. Layer basics
    2. Nondestructive editing
    3. Create and manage layers and groups
    4. Select, group, and link layers
    5. Place images into frames
    6. Layer opacity and blending
    7. Mask layers
    8. Utilise Smart Filters
    9. Layer comps
    10. Move, stack, and lock layers
    11. Mask layers with vector masks
    12. Manage layers and groups
    13. Layer effects and styles
    14. Edit layer masks
    15. Extract avails
    16. Reveal layers with clipping masks
    17. Generate image assets from layers
    18. Work with Smart Objects
    19. Blending modes
    20. Combine multiple images into a group portrait
    21. Combine images with Auto-Blend Layers
    22. Marshal and distribute layers
    23. Re-create CSS from layers
    24. Load selections from a layer or layer mask'due south boundaries
    25. Knockout to reveal content from other layers
    26. Layer
    27. Flattening
    28. Composite
    29. Groundwork
  11. Selections
    1. Select and Mask workspace
    2. Make quick selections
    3. Get started with selections
    4. Select with the marquee tools
    5. Select with the lasso tools
    6. Select a color range in an paradigm
    7. Adjust pixel selections
    8. Convert between paths and option borders
    9. Channel nuts
    10. Move, copy, and delete selected pixels
    11. Create a temporary quick mask
    12. Save selections and alpha channel masks
    13. Select the image areas in focus
    14. Indistinguishable, split, and merge channels
    15. Channel calculations
    16. Selection
    17. Bounding box
  12. Epitome adjustments
    1. Perspective warp
    2. Reduce camera shake blurring
    3. Healing brush examples
    4. Export color lookup tables
    5. Adjust image sharpness and mistiness
    6. Understand color adjustments
    7. Use a Effulgence/Contrast adjustment
    8. Arrange shadow and highlight detail
    9. Levels adjustment
    10. Adjust hue and saturation
    11. Adjust vibrance
    12. Conform color saturation in paradigm areas
    13. Make quick tonal adjustments
    14. Apply special color effects to images
    15. Heighten your paradigm with color balance adjustments
    16. Loftier dynamic range images
    17. View histograms and pixel values
    18. Match colors in your prototype
    19. How to crop and straighten photos
    20. Convert a colour paradigm to blackness and white
    21. Adjustment and fill layers
    22. Curves adjustment
    23. Blending modes
    24. Target images for press
    25. Adjust color and tone with Levels and Curves eyedroppers
    26. Adjust HDR exposure and toning
    27. Filter
    28. Blur
    29. Contrivance or burn prototype areas
    30. Make selective color adjustments
    31. Replace object colors
  13. Adobe Camera Raw
    1. Photographic camera Raw organization requirements
    2. What'south new in Camera Raw
    3. Introduction to Camera Raw
    4. Create panoramas
    5. Supported lenses
    6. Vignette, grain, and dehaze effects in Camera Raw
    7. Default keyboard shortcuts
    8. Automatic perspective correction in Camera Raw
    9. How to make non-destructive edits in Camera Raw
    10. Radial Filter in Camera Raw
    11. Manage Camera Raw settings
    12. Open, process, and relieve images in Camera Raw
    13. Repair images with the Enhanced Spot Removal tool in Photographic camera Raw
    14. Rotate, crop, and conform images
    15. Arrange color rendering in Camera Raw
    16. Feature summary | Adobe Camera Raw | 2018 releases
    17. New features summary
    18. Process versions in Photographic camera Raw
    19. Make local adjustments in Camera Raw
  14. Image repair and restoration
    1. Remove objects from your photos with Content-Enlightened Make full
    2. Content-Aware Patch and Move
    3. Retouch and repair photos
    4. Right image distortion and noise
    5. Basic troubleshooting steps to set well-nigh issues
  15. Prototype transformations
    1. Transform objects
    2. Adjust crop, rotation, and canvas size
    3. How to ingather and straighten photos
    4. Create and edit panoramic images
    5. Warp images, shapes, and paths
    6. Vanishing Point
    7. Use the Liquify filter
    8. Content-aware scaling
    9. Transform images, shapes, and paths
    10. Warp
    11. Transform
    12. Panorama
  16. Drawing and painting
    1. Pigment symmetrical patterns
    2. Draw rectangles and change stroke options
    3. Near drawing
    4. Draw and edit shapes
    5. Painting tools
    6. Create and modify brushes
    7. Blending modes
    8. Add colour to paths
    9. Edit paths
    10. Pigment with the Mixer Brush
    11. Castor presets
    12. Gradients
    13. Slope interpolation
    14. Fill and stroke selections, layers, and paths
    15. Draw with the Pen tools
    16. Create patterns
    17. Generate a design using the Design Maker
    18. Manage paths
    19. Manage pattern libraries and presets
    20. Draw or paint with a graphics tablet
    21. Create textured brushes
    22. Add dynamic elements to brushes
    23. Gradient
    24. Paint stylized strokes with the Art History Brush
    25. Paint with a pattern
    26. Sync presets on multiple devices
  17. Text
    1. Work with OpenType SVG fonts
    2. Format characters
    3. Format paragraphs
    4. How to create type effects
    5. Edit text
    6. Line and graphic symbol spacing
    7. Arabic and Hebrew type
    8. Fonts
    9. Troubleshoot fonts
    10. Asian type
    11. Create type
    12. Text Engine fault using Type tool in Photoshop | Windows 8
    13. World-Ready composer for Asian Scripts
    14. How to add and edit the text in Photoshop
  18. Video and blitheness
    1. Video editing in Photoshop
    2. Edit video and animation layers
    3. Video and animation overview
    4. Preview video and animations
    5. Pigment frames in video layers
    6. Import video files and image sequences
    7. Create frame animations
    8. Artistic Cloud 3D Animation (Preview)
    9. Create timeline animations
    10. Create images for video
  19. Filters and furnishings
    1. Utilise the Liquify filter
    2. Use the Blur Gallery
    3. Filter nuts
    4. Filter effects reference
    5. Add Lighting Effects
    6. Employ the Adaptive Wide Angle filter
    7. Utilize the Oil Pigment filter
    8. Layer effects and styles
    9. Utilise specific filters
    10. Smudge prototype areas
  20. Saving and exporting
    1. Relieve your files in Photoshop
    2. Consign your files in Photoshop
    3. Supported file formats
    4. Relieve files in graphics formats
    5. Move designs between Photoshop and Illustrator
    6. Save and export video and animations
    7. Save PDF files
    8. Digimarc copyright protection
  21. Printing
    1. Print 3D objects
    2. Print from Photoshop
    3. Print with color direction
    4. Contact Sheets and PDF Presentations
    5. Print photos in a picture parcel layout
    6. Impress spot colors
    7. Duotones
    8. Print images to a commercial printing press
    9. Improve colour prints from Photoshop
    10. Troubleshoot press issues | Photoshop
  22. Automation
    1. Creating deportment
    2. Create data-driven graphics
    3. Scripting
    4. Process a batch of files
    5. Play and manage actions
    6. Add conditional actions
    7. About actions and the Actions panel
    8. Record tools in actions
    9. Add a conditional mode change to an action
    10. Photoshop UI toolkit for plug-ins and scripts
  23. Color Management
    1. Understanding color management
    2. Keeping colors consequent
    3. Colour settings
    4. Work with colour profiles
    5. Colour-managing documents for online viewing
    6. Color-managing documents when printing
    7. Color-managing imported images
    8. Proofing colors
  24. Content authenticity
    1. Learn nearly content credentials
    2. Identity and provenance for NFTs
    3. Connect accounts for creative attribution
  25. 3D and technical imaging
    1. Photoshop 3D | Common questions around discontinued 3D features
    2. Creative Cloud 3D Animation (Preview)
    3. Print 3D objects
    4. 3D painting
    5. 3D panel enhancements | Photoshop
    6. Essential 3D concepts and tools
    7. 3D rendering and saving
    8. Create 3D objects and animations
    9. Image stacks
    10. 3D workflow
    11. Measurement
    12. DICOM files
    13. Photoshop and MATLAB
    14. Count objects in an image
    15. Combine and convert 3D objects
    16. 3D texture editing
    17. Accommodate HDR exposure and toning
    18. 3D panel settings

Consummate information on using some filters is available in other sections. Search Adobe Assist for data on the sharpening, blurring, Lens Correction, Lens Blur, Noise Reduction, Liquify, and Vanishing Bespeak filters.

List of filters supporting 16-bit/channel and 32-bit/channel documents

The following filters back up 16-bit/channel and 32-bit/channel documents:

  • All Mistiness filters (except for Lens Blur and Smart Blur)
  • All Distort filters
  • TheNoise > Add Noise filter
  • All Pixelate filters
  • All Render filters (except for Lighting Effects)
  • All Sharpen filters (except for Sharpen Edges)
  • The following filters under Filter > Stylize:
    • Lengthened
    • Emboss
    • Trace Contour
  • All Video filters
  • All filters under Filter > Other

Video | Hiding sensitive information in images

Photoshop Main Product Manager Bryan O'Neil Hughes explains how to use blur and filters to hide sensitive information in this episode of the Photoshop Playbook.

Artistic filters

Filters from the Artistic submenu assist you achieve painterly and artistic effects for a fine arts or commercial projection. For example, use the Cutout filter for collages or typography. These filters replicate natural or traditional media effects. All the Artistic filters can be applied through the Filter Gallery.

Colored Pencil

Draws an image using colored pencils on a solid background. Edges are retained and given a rough crosshatch appearance; the solid groundwork color shows through the smoother areas.

For a parchment effect, change the groundwork color merely before applying the Colored Pencil filter to a selected surface area.


Makes an prototype appear as though it were synthetic from roughly cutting pieces of colored paper. Loftier-dissimilarity images appear as if in silhouette, and colored images are built upward from several layers of colored paper.

Dry Brush

Paints the edges of the paradigm using a dry brush technique (betwixt oil and watercolor). The filter simplifies an image by reducing its range of colors to areas of common color.

Motion-picture show Grain

Applies an fifty-fifty blueprint to the shadow tones and midtones. A smoother, more than saturated pattern is added to the lighter areas. This filter is useful for eliminating banding in blends and visually unifying elements from various sources.


Paints an image in a coarse fashion using short, rounded, and hastily applied daubs.

Neon Glow

Adds various types of glows to the objects in an paradigm. This filter is useful for colorizing an image while softening its look. To select a glow color, click the glow box, and select a colour from the Colour Picker.

Paint Daubs

Lets you lot choose from various castor sizes (from ane to fifty) and types for a painterly effect. Brush types include Simple, Light Rough, Night Rough, Wide Sharp, Wide Blurry, and Sparkle.

Palette Knife

Reduces detail in an epitome to give the outcome of a thinly painted canvas that reveals the texture underneath.

Plastic Wrap

Coats the paradigm in shiny plastic, accentuating the surface detail.

Poster Edges

Reduces the number of colors in an image (posterizes it) according to the posterization option you gear up, and finds the edges of the prototype and draws black lines on them. Large broad areas have elementary shading, and fine dark particular is distributed throughout the paradigm.

Rough Pastels

Applies strokes of pastel chalk on a textured background. In areas of bright color, the chalk appears thick with niggling texture; in darker areas, the chalk appears scraped off to reveal the texture.

Smudge Stick

Softens an image using short diagonal strokes to smudge or smear the darker areas. Lighter areas go brighter and lose particular.


Creates images with highly textured areas of contrasting color, simulating the effect of sponge painting.


Paints the image on a textured background, and then paints the final epitome over information technology.


Paints the image in a watercolor style using a medium brush loaded with water and color, simplifying details. Where meaning tonal changes occur at the edges, the filter saturates the color.

Blur filters

The Blur filters soften a selection or an entire image, and are useful for retouching. They smooth transitions by averaging the pixels next to the difficult edges of defined lines and shaded areas in an epitome.

Photoshop Blur filters

Earlier (left) and after (right) using the Lens Blur filter; the background is blurred but the foreground stays sharp.

To employ a Blur filter to the edges of a layer, deselect the Lock Transparent Pixel option in the Layers panel.


Finds the average color of an prototype or selection, and then fills the epitome or selection with the colour to create a polish look. For example, if you lot select an area of grass, the filter changes the area into a homogeneous patch of green.

Mistiness and Blur More than

Eliminate noise where significant color transitions occur in an image. Blur filters polish transitions by averaging the pixels adjacent to the hard edges of defined lines and shaded areas. The effect of the Blur More filter is three or four times stronger than that of the Mistiness filter.

Box Blur

Blurs an epitome based on the average color value of neighboring pixels. This filter is useful for creating special furnishings. Yous tin adapt the size of the area used to calculate the boilerplate value for a given pixel; a larger radius results in greater blurring.

Gaussian Mistiness

Quickly blurs a selection by an adaptable amount. Gaussian refers to the bell-shaped curve that is generated when Photoshop applies a weighted average to the pixels. The Gaussian Mistiness filter adds low-frequency detail and tin produce a hazy upshot.

Note: When Gaussian Blur, Box Blur, Motion Blur, or Shape Mistiness are practical to a selected prototype surface area, they will sometimes produce visually unexpected results near the edges of the selection. This is because these blur filters volition use image data from outside the selected surface area to create the new, blurred pixels inside the selected area. For example, if the pick represents a background area that you lot want to blur while keeping the foreground precipitous, the edges of the blurred background area will be contaminated with colors from the foreground, producing a fuzzy, muddy-looking outline around the foreground. To avoid this effect in such cases, y'all can use Smart Blur or Lens Blur.

Lens Mistiness

Adds blur to an image to give the outcome of a narrower depth of field then that some objects in the image stay in focus and others areas are blurred. Run across Add lens blur.

Movement Blur

Blurs in the specified management (from –360º to +360º) and at a specified intensity (from i to 999). The filter's effect is analogous to taking a picture of a moving object with a fixed exposure time.

Radial Mistiness

Simulates the blur of a zooming or rotating camera to produce a soft blur. Cull Spin to mistiness forth concentric round lines, so specify a degree of rotation. Cull Zoom to blur forth radial lines, as if zooming into or out of the epitome, and specify a value from i to 100. Blur quality ranges from Draft (for fast but grainy results) or Expert and Best for smoother results, which are indistinguishable from each other except on a large pick. Specify the origin of the blur by dragging the design in the Blur Eye box.

Shape Blur

Uses the specified kernel to create the blur. Choose a kernel from the listing of custom shape presets, and utilise the radius slider to adjust its size. You can load different shape libraries by clicking the triangle and choosing from the list. Radius determines the size of the kernel; the larger the kernel, the greater the blur.

Smart Mistiness

Blurs an paradigm with precision. You lot can specify a radius, a threshold, and a blur quality. The Radius value determines the size of the surface area searched for dissimilar pixels. The Threshold value determines how unlike the pixels must be before they are affected. You likewise can set a manner for the entire selection (Normal) or for the edges of colour transitions (Edge Only and Overlay Edge). Where significant contrast occurs, Border Only applies black-and-white edges, and Overlay Edge applies white.

Surface Blur

Blurs an image while preserving edges. This filter is useful for creating special effects and for removing noise or graininess. The Radius choice specifies the size of the expanse sampled for the blur. The Threshold selection controls how much the tonal values of neighboring pixels must diverge from the center pixel value earlier being part of the blur. Pixels with tonal value differences less than the Threshold value are excluded from the blur.

Brush Stroke filters

Similar the Artistic filters, the Brush Stroke filters give a painterly or fine-arts expect using dissimilar castor and ink stroke furnishings. Some of the filters add grain, paint, dissonance, edge item, or texture. All the Brush Stroke filters can exist applied through the Filter Gallery.

Accented Edges

Accentuates the edges of an epitome. When the edge brightness control is fix to a high value, the accents resemble white chalk; when set to a low value, the accents resemble blackness ink.

Angled Strokes

Repaints an image using diagonal strokes, with lighter and darker areas painted in strokes going in reverse directions.


Preserves the details and features of the original epitome while adding texture and roughening the edges of the colored areas with simulated pencil hatching. The Strength option (with values from 1 to 3) determines the number of hatching passes.

Dark Strokes

Paints dark areas with curt, tight, nighttime strokes, and lighter areas with long, white strokes.

Ink Outlines

Redraws an image with fine narrow lines over the original details, in pen-and-ink manner.


Replicates the effect of a spatter airbrush. Increasing the options simplifies the overall upshot.

Sprayed Strokes

Repaints an epitome, using its dominant colors, with angled, sprayed strokes of colour.


Paints an image in Japanese style, equally if with a fully saturated brush applied to rice newspaper. Sumi‑e creates soft, blurred edges with rich, inky blacks.

Distort filters

The Distort filters geometrically distort an image, creating 3D or other reshaping effects. Notation that these filters can be very retention-intensive. The Diffuse Glow, Glass, and Ocean Ripple filters can be practical through the Filter Gallery.

Lengthened Glow

Renders an image as though it were viewed through a soft improvidence filter. The filter adds come across-through white noise, with the glow fading from the heart of a selection.


Uses an image, chosen a displacement map, to determine how to misconstrue a option. For example, using a parabola-shaped displacement map, you tin can create an image that appears to be printed on a textile held up by its corners.


Makes an image appear every bit if information technology were existence viewed through different types of glass. Y'all can choose a glass effect or create your own drinking glass surface every bit a Photoshop file and utilise information technology. You tin adjust scaling, distortion, and smoothness settings. When using surface controls with a file, follow the instructions for the Displace filter.

Body of water Ripple

Adds randomly spaced ripples to the surface of the epitome so that it appears to be underwater.


Squeezes a selection. A positive value up to 100% shifts a selection toward its center; a negative value upwards to – 100% shifts a selection outward. Does not work on images larger than 11500px by 11500px.

Polar Coordinates

Converts a selection from its rectangular to polar coordinates, and vice versa, co-ordinate to a selected option. You can use this filter to create a cylinder anamorphosis—an fine art course popular in the 18th century—in which the distorted image appears normal when viewed in a mirrored cylinder.


Creates an undulating pattern on a selection, like ripples on the surface of a swimming. For greater command, use the Wave filter. Options include the number and size of ripples.


Distorts an prototype forth a curve. Specify the bend by dragging the line in the box. You can arrange whatever point forth the curve. Click Default to change the curve back to a direct line. In addition, yous choose how to care for undistorted areas.


Gives objects a 3D consequence past wrapping a selection around a spherical shape, distorting the paradigm and stretching it to fit the selected curve. Does not piece of work on images larger than 11500px past 11500px.


Rotates a selection more sharply in the center than at the edges. Specifying an angle produces a twirl pattern. Does not work on images larger than 11500px by 11500px.


Works much every bit the Ripple filter does, only with greater command. Options include the number of moving ridge generators, wavelength (distance from one moving ridge crest to the next),  height of the wave, and moving ridge blazon: Sine (rolling), Triangle, or Square. The Randomize option applies random values. You lot can also define undistorted areas.


Distorts a selection radially, depending on the radius of the pixels in your pick. The Ridges option sets the number of direction reversals of the zigzag from the heart of the selection to its edge. You also specify how to displace the pixels: Pond Ripples displaces pixels to the upper-left or lower right, Out From Center displaces pixels toward or away from the center of the option, and Around Center rotates pixels around the middle. Does not work on images larger than 8000px by 8000px.

Noise filters

The Racket filters add together or remove noise, or pixels with randomly distributed color levels. This helps to blend a option into the surrounding pixels. Noise filters tin create unusual textures or remove problem areas, such every bit dust and scratches.

Add together Racket

Applies random pixels to an prototype, simulating the event of shooting pictures on loftier-speed film. You can too use the Add together Noise filter to reduce banding in feathered selections or graduated fills or to give a more realistic look to heavily retouched areas. Options for noise distribution include Uniform and Gaussian. Uniform distributes colour values of noise using random numbers between 0 and plus or minus the specified value, creating a subtle upshot. Gaussian distributes color values of noise along a bell-shaped bend, creating a speckled consequence. The Monochromatic option applies the filter to only the tonal elements in the image without changing the colors.


Detects the edges in an image (areas where significant colour changes occur) and blurs all of the selection except those edges. This blurring removes dissonance while preserving detail.

Grit & Scratches

Reduces racket by irresolute dissimilar pixels. To reach a rest between sharpening the epitome and hiding defects, endeavor diverse combinations of Radius and Threshold settings. Or apply the filter to selected areas in the image. See also Use the Dust And Scratches filter.


Reduces noise in an image past blending the brightness of pixels within a option. The filter searches the radius of a pixel selection for pixels of like brightness, discarding pixels that differ also much from next pixels, and replaces the center pixel with the median effulgence value of the searched pixels. This filter is useful for eliminating or reducing the effect of motion on an image.

Reduce Noise

Reduces racket while preserving edges based on user settings affecting the overall image or private channels. See Reduce image noise and JPEG artifacts.

Pixelate filters

The filters in the Pixelate submenu sharply define a option by clumping pixels of similar colour values in cells.

Color Halftone

Simulates the effect of using an enlarged halftone screen on each channel of the image. For each channel, the filter divides the image into rectangles and replaces each rectangle with a circle. The circle size is proportional to the brightness of the rectangle. Encounter Utilise the Color Halftone filter.


Clumps pixels into a solid color in a polygon shape.


Clumps pixels of solid or similar colors into blocks of like-colored pixels. Y'all can use this filter to brand a scanned image look hand-painted or to make a realistic image resemble an abstract painting.


Creates four copies of the pixels in the pick, averages them, and offsets them from each other.


Converts an prototype to a random pattern of black-and-white areas or of fully saturated colors in a colour image. To employ the filter, choose a dot pattern from the Type menu in the Mezzotint dialog box.


Clumps pixels into square blocks. The pixels in a given cake are the same color, and the colors of the blocks represent the colors in the selection.


Breaks up the color in an epitome into randomly placed dots, every bit in a pointillist painting, and uses the background color as a canvass area between the dots.

Render filters

The Return filters create 3D shapes, cloud patterns, refraction patterns, and simulated light reflections in an paradigm. You can likewise dispense objects in 3D space, create 3D objects (cubes, spheres, and cylinders), and create texture fills from grayscale files to produce 3D-like furnishings for lighting.


Generates a soft cloud pattern using random values that vary between the foreground and the background colors. To generate a more stark cloud design, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac Os) as you choose Filter > Return > Clouds. When you apply the Clouds filter, the paradigm data on the active layer is replaced.

Difference Clouds

Uses randomly generated values that vary between the foreground and groundwork colour to produce a deject design. The filter blends the cloud data with the existing pixels in the aforementioned mode the Departure mode blends colors. The first time yous cull this filter, portions of the paradigm are inverted in a cloud blueprint. Applying the filter several times creates rib and vein patterns that resemble a marble texture. When you apply the Difference Clouds filter, the image data on the active layer is replaced.


Creates the wait of woven fibers using the foreground and background colors. You lot apply the Variance slider to control how the colors vary (a low value produces long streaks of color, and a high value results in very curt fibers with more varied distribution of colour). The Strength slider controls how each fiber looks. A low setting produces a loose weave, and a high setting produces brusk, stringy fibers. Click the Randomize button to alter how the pattern looks; you can click the push button a number of times until yous find a pattern you like. When you utilise the Fibers filter, the image data on the agile layer is replaced.

Endeavor adding a gradient map aligning layer to colorize the fibers.

Lens Flare

Simulates the refraction caused by shining a bright low-cal into a camera lens. Specify a location for the center of the flare past clicking anywhere within the image thumbnail or by dragging its cantankerous pilus.

Video | Adding & Removing Lens Flare

Photoshop Principal Product Managing director Bryan O'Neil Hughes explains how to add and remove lens flare from an epitome in this episode of Photoshop Playbook.

Lighting Effects

Lets you produce myriad lighting effects on RGB images by varying 17 light styles, three light types, and four sets of calorie-free properties. You tin can likewise use textures from grayscale files (called bump maps) to produce 3D-similar effects and relieve your ain styles for use in other images.

Note: Lighting Furnishings is unavailable in 64-bit versions of Mac OS.

Sharpen filters

The Sharpen filters focus blurred images by increasing the contrast of side by side pixels.

Sharpen and Sharpen More

Focus a option and improve its clarity. The Acuminate More than filter applies a stronger sharpening issue than does the Acuminate filter.

Acuminate Edges and Unsharp Mask

Find the areas in the paradigm where significant color changes occur and acuminate them. The Sharpen Edges filter sharpens but edges while preserving the overall smoothness of the paradigm. Use this filter to acuminate edges without specifying an corporeality. For professional colour correction, utilise the Unsharp Mask filter to arrange the contrast of border detail and produce a lighter and darker line on each side of the edge. This process emphasizes the edge and creates the illusion of a sharper image.

Smart Sharpen

Sharpens an image by letting you lot set the sharpening algorithm or control the amount of sharpening that occurs in shadows and highlights. This is the recommended way to sharpen if you don't accept a particular sharpening filter in mind. See Acuminate using Smart Acuminate.

In Photoshop, the enhanced Smart Sharpen filter empowers y'all to produce high-quality results through adaptive sharpening technology that minimizes dissonance and halo effects. The streamlined UI pattern for this filter offers optimized controls for targeted sharpening. Employ the sliders for quick adjustments and advanced controls to fine-melody your results.

Smart sharpening in Photoshop supports CMYK. Additionally, you tin sharpen arbitrary channels. For example, yous can choose to acuminate just the blue channel, green channel, or the blastoff channel.

Photoshop Enhanced Smart Sharpen filter

Enhanced Smart Sharpen filter UI

Hither is a recommended arroyo to sharpening images with Photoshop:

  1. To begin, set Corporeality to a high value.
  2. Increase the Radius to a value that introduces a halo effect.
  3. Decrease the Radius until the halo effect disappers. You've arrived at the optimal value for Radius.
  4. Now, subtract the Amount value as necessary.
  5. Adjust the Reduce Noise slider, such that the dissonance in the image looks similar to how information technology was earlier you lot began sharpening the image. Too much noise reduction can result in a plasticy look. College Amount values require greater noise reduction.

Sketch filters

Filters in the Sketch submenu add texture to images, often for a 3D effect. The filters also are useful for creating a fine-arts or manus-fatigued look. Many of the Sketch filters use the foreground and background color as they redraw the image. All the Sketch filters can be applied through the Filter Gallery.

Bas Relief

Transforms an image so that it appears carved in low relief and lit to accent the surface variations. Dark areas of the prototype take on the foreground color, and lite colors use the background colour.

Chalk & Charcoal

Redraws highlights and midtones with a solid midtone grayness background drawn in coarse chalk. Shadow areas are replaced with black diagonal charcoal lines. The charcoal is drawn in the foreground colour; the chalk, in the background color.


Creates a posterized, smudged effect. Major edges are boldly drawn, and midtones are sketched using a diagonal stroke. Charcoal is the foreground colour, and the groundwork is the color of the paper.


Renders the image every bit if it had a polished chrome surface. Highlights are high points, and shadows are low points in the reflecting surface. Afterwards applying the filter, apply the Levels dialog box to add more contrast to the epitome.

Conté Crayon

Replicates the texture of dumbo dark and pure white Conté crayons on an prototype. The Conté Crayon filter uses the foreground color for dark areas and the background color for low-cal areas. For a truer effect, change the foreground color to i of the common Conté Crayon colors (black, sepia, or sanguine) before applying the filter. For a muted effect, change the background color to white, add some of the foreground color to the white background, and so employ the filter.

Graphic Pen

Uses fine, linear ink strokes to capture the details in the original image. The effect is particularly hit with scanned images. The filter replaces color in the original image, using the foreground color for ink and the background color for paper.

Halftone Pattern

Simulates the result of a halftone screen while maintaining the continuous range of tones.

Note Paper

Creates an paradigm that appears to be constructed of handmade paper. This filter simplifies images and combines the effects of the Stylize > Emboss and Texture > Grain filters. Dark areas of the image appear every bit holes in the top layer of paper, revealing the background colour.


Simulates the effect of photocopying an epitome. Large dark areas tend to be copied only around their edges, and midtones fall away to either solid black or solid white.


Molds an paradigm from 3D plaster, and then colorizes the upshot using the foreground and background colour. Nighttime areas are raised, and light areas are recessed.


Simulates the controlled shrinking and distortion of film emulsion to create an image that appears clumped in the shadows and lightly grained in the highlights.


Simplifies the image then that it appears to be created with a safety or forest stamp. This filter is all-time used with black-and-white images.

Torn Edges

Reconstructs the prototype so that it appears equanimous of ragged, torn pieces of paper, and and then colorizes the paradigm using the foreground and background colors. This filter is peculiarly useful for text or loftier-contrast objects.

Water Paper

Uses blotchy daubs that appear painted onto fibrous, damp paper, causing the colors to menstruation and blend.

Stylize filters

The Stylize filters produce a painted or impressionistic effect on a selection by displacing pixels and past finding and heightening contrast in an epitome. After using filters like Discover Edges and Trace Profile that highlight edges, yous tin utilise the Invert command to outline the edges of a color image with colored lines or to outline the edges of a grayscale image with white lines.


Shuffles pixels in a pick to soften focus co-ordinate to the selected option: Normal moves pixels randomly (ignoring color values), Darken Only replaces low-cal pixels with darker ones, and Lighten Just replaces dark pixels with lighter ones. Anisotropic shuffles pixels in the management of the least modify in color.


Makes a selection appear raised or stamped by converting its fill colour to gray and tracing the edges with the original fill color. Options include an embossing angle (from –360° to recess the surface, to +360° to raise the surface), peak, and a percent (1% to 500%) for the amount of colour within the selection. To retain color and detail when embossing, use the Fade command after applying the Emboss filter.


Gives a 3D texture to a pick or layer. See Utilise the Extrude filter.

Observe Edges

Identifies the areas of the image with significant transitions and emphasizes the edges. Like the Trace Counter filter, Find Edges outlines the edges of an image with dark lines against a white background and is useful for creating a border around an paradigm.

Glowing Edges

Identifies the edges of colour and adds a neon-like glow to them. This filter can exist practical cumulatively.


Blends a negative and a positive image—like to exposing a photographic print briefly to low-cal during development.


Breaks up an image into a series of tiles, creating an first between the pick and its original position. You tin cull 1 of the post-obit to fill the area betwixt the tiles: the groundwork colour, the foreground color, a reverse version of the paradigm, or an unaltered version of the paradigm, which puts the tiled version on peak of the original and reveals part of the original prototype underneath the tiled edges.

Trace Contour

Finds the transitions of major effulgence areas and thinly outlines them for each color aqueduct, for an outcome like to the lines in a contour map. Encounter Apply the Trace Contour filter.


Places tiny horizontal lines in the prototype to create a windblown effect. Methods include Wind; Blast, for a more dramatic air current effect; and Stagger, which offsets the lines in the image.

Texture filters

Use the Texture filters to simulate the appearance of depth or substance, or to add together an organic look.


Paints an image onto a high-relief plaster surface, producing a fine network of cracks that follow the contours of the image. Apply this filter to create an embossing effect with images that contain a wide range of color or grayscale values.


Adds texture to an image by simulating different kinds of grain—Regular, Soft, Sprinkles, Clumped, Contrasty, Enlarged, Stippled, Horizontal, Vertical, and Speckle, bachelor from the Grain Blazon menu.

Mosaic Tiles

Renders the image and so that it appears to be made upwards of small chips or tiles and adds grout betwixt the tiles. (In contrast, the Pixelate > Mosaic filter breaks up an image into blocks of different-colored pixels.)


Breaks up an image into squares filled with the predominant color in that area of the image. The filter randomly reduces or increases the tile depth to replicate the highlights and shadows.

Stained Drinking glass

Repaints an prototype equally single-colored next cells outlined in the foreground color.


Applies a texture you select or create to an image.

Video filters

The Video submenu contains the De-Interlace and NTSC Colors filters.


Smooths moving images captured on video by removing either the odd or even interlaced lines in a video image. You tin can cull to supercede the discarded lines by duplication or interpolation.

NTSC Colors

Restricts the gamut of colors to those adequate for television reproduction, to foreclose oversaturated colors from bleeding across tv set scan lines.

Other filters

Filters in the Other submenu allow you create your own filters, utilize filters to alter masks, offset a selection within an paradigm, and make quick colour adjustments.


Lets you design your own filter effect. With the Custom filter, you can change the effulgence values of each pixel in the prototype according to a predefined mathematical operation known as convolution. Each pixel is reassigned a value based on the values of surrounding pixels. This functioning is similar to the Add and Subtract calculations for channels.

You can save the custom filters you create and use them with other Photoshop images. Come across Create a custom filter.

High Pass

Retains edge details in the specified radius where abrupt color transitions occur and suppresses the rest of the epitome. (A radius of pixel keeps only edge pixels.) The filter removes low-frequency detail from an image and has an effect contrary to that of the Gaussian Mistiness filter.

Information technology is helpful to use the High Pass filter to a continuous-tone image earlier using the Threshold command or converting the prototype to Bitmap mode. The filter is useful for extracting line art and large black-and-white areas from scanned images.

Maximum and Minimum

The Maximum and Minimum filters are useful for modifying masks. The Maximum filter has the issue of applying a spread (dilation)—spreading out white areas and choking in black areas. The Minimum filter has the effect of applying a choke (erosion)—shrinking white areas and spreading out the blackness areas. Like the Median filter, the Maximum and Minimum filters operate on selected pixels. Within a specified radius, the Maximum and Minimum filters replace the current pixel's brightness value with the highest or lowest brightness value of the surrounding pixels.

These filters, especially with larger radii, tend to promote either corners or curves in the image contours. In Photoshop, you can choose from the Preserve bill of fare to favor squareness or roundness as you lot specify the radius value.

Photoshop filters Preserve squareness or roundness

Preserve squareness or roundness


Moves a pick a specified horizontal or vertical amount, leaving an empty space at the selection'south original location. You tin can fill the empty area with the current background color, with another function of the image, or with your choice of fill if the option is near the edge of an image.

Digimarc filters

The Digimarc filters embed a digital watermark into an image to store copyright information.

Digimarc plug-ins require a 32-bit operating system. They are unsupported in 64-bit versions of Windows and Mac OS.

Vanishing Bespeak

The Vanishing Point feature preserves right perspective in edits of images that contain perspective planes (for case, the sides of a building or whatsoever rectangular object).

Which Of The Following Printing Processes Subtracts Only The Background, Leaving The Image Raised?,


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